Tag Archives: Edward James

#11 Dream of Xilitla

In the middle of the Mexican jungle.

In the middle of the Mexican jungle.

Deep in the middle of the Huasteca Potosina mountain range in Mexico lies a little-known surrealist treasure: Xilitla. Legend tells that an English bastard child by the name of Edward James was the designer of the architecture. He rejected his upper-class surroundings and instead befriended artists that would become household names for the surrealist movement: Dali, Picasso and Stravinsky. When he exiled to Mexico in 1947, according to their website, he bought a property in Xilitla called Las Pozas, and grew an orchid garden there.

Looking at the surrealist structures.

Looking at the surreal structures.

Weather changes killed his garden, so he built a surrealist garden instead. Stairs that don’t lead anywhere, snakes, the “Eye of God”, and wavy formations suggest a dream-like experience. The structures are well incorporated in the ecosystem, allowing for natural cascades to flow and the surrounding jungle to grow undisturbed. It’s a castle of sorts, with a style readily familiar to that of Antonio Gaudí.

If you’re looking for a cool, rarely-talked about place to visit in Mexico, Xilitla is just the place. You can camp right outside Las Pozas with friends, or rent a hotel in the city, which is 5 minutes away from the castle. Don’t forget your swimming suit and hiking shoes!


Me and Dany going up the stairs that will lead us down the stairs, M.C. Escher way.

Me and Dany going up the stairs that will lead us down the stairs, M.C. Escher way.




Filed under travel