Category Archives: happiness

If you need a study break…

Check out this extremely talented, extremely flexible 4 year old named Gabby.

wow…all you can say.



Filed under entertainment, happiness

#108 Just Dance

Watch it. Do it.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “#104 Just Dance“, posted with vodpod

In case you didn’t enjoy my freestyle, check out my choreography! 

Video by Jeff Dieta, UT Spirit Program Coordinator. 


Filed under entertainment, happiness, Random acts of fun

#104 Watch a Sunrise/Sunset

View of the sunset at a friend's ranch near Gatesville

View of the sunset at a friend's ranch near Gatesville

You all know the sayings, “stop and smell the roses” and “enjoy the simple things in life.” Well, even though our blog has had many suggestions of adventurous and extreme activities, some of the most enjoyable and essential things in life are the simple things. When was the last time you just sat and watched the sunrise or sunset? If it’s been awhile, take advantage of the autumnal skies to soak in a beautiful sunrise (if you’re an early riser) or sunset.

Best places in and around Austin to watch the sunrise/sunset:

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Filed under happiness, outdoors

#102 ❘ Practice Yoga ❘

Man and woman sustaining the tree pose. Photo by myyogaonline under Creative Commons License.

Man and woman sustaining the tree pose. Photo by myyogaonline under Creative Commons License.

I’ve been meaning to go to yoga since the start of the semester. People commonly associate yoga with relaxation, but yoga is much more powerful than that. It helps your mind, body and spirit unite in many ways. Controlled breathing, meditation, elasticity, better circulation, a detachment from your troubles are all benefits that you achieve.

The word yoga can’t be translated into one word. It comes from India, and like its benefits, the word has many meanings: “to unite,” “to control, “to join”.

Yoga is about balancing opposite energies inside yourself. Let’s say there’s a yin and a yang force in your body, and each is pulling into different directions without a focus. Yoga channels these forces, focuses them, directs them to return to our natural balance that is often interrupted by the fast-paced jittery lives we lead.

Free yoga class at Ruta Maya. Image taken off Ruta Mayas website.

Free yoga class at Ruta Maya. Image taken off Ruta Maya's website.

Ruta Maya offers classes there for free as long as you make a purchase (a bottle of water, an apple, whatever). I had never practiced yoga like I practiced it there. The setting is extraordinary. Tables and chairs are pushed to the sides so yogis and yoginis can accommodate themselves in the middle of the shop. During the practice they hear coffee machines whirring, beans blending, glasses tinkling and people carrying on conversations. This, my friends, is the real yoga challenge. Placed in such a setting you’re really forced to zone out the sounds of your surroundings to be in the moment. Studios don’t offer that. They’re designed to foster a quiet atmosphere with incense and Indian chants. But when you’re placed in an urban setting with all the noises of daily life you can really see how a yoga practice can be beneficial.

There are other places in Austin to practice yoga, like Bodhi Yoga, Yoga Yoga, Dharma Yoga, and the UT RecSports Center offers classes as well.


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Filed under happiness

#99 Enjoy A Fall Picnic

I love the fall. The leaves start turning colors along branches and streets. The air starts to smell from the aroma of burning wood in fireplaces. We get to trade in our flip flops and bikinis for fuzzy boots and scarves. It’s the perfect medium between summer and winter. 


I started loving picnics after I fell in love with Yooooogi Bear!

I started loving picnics after I fell in love with Yooooogi Bear!


While the weather’s warm, I love to enjoy the outdoors. Picnic’s are neat, because at their essence lie all of my favorite things: friends, family, the outdoors, and food. Now even though the warm weather is leaving us, we don’t necessarily have to pack up our blankets and picnic baskets. The fall is a fine time to indulge in this pastime. Here’s what you need to do: 


  • Check the weather forecast. You don’t want to get rained on or anything. 
  • The pool or public park don’t have the same appeal during the fall as they do in the summer. Try to find a scenic location with hills or a lake view. In Austin, my favorite place is Mt. Bonnell.
  • FOOD! Some of my favorites include warm apple cider, hot cocoa, chili, soup, and pot pie. Put all of these goodies into an insulated lunch box or basket, and you’re good to go! The warmer your bellies are, the warmer your picnic will be! 
  • Bundle up! Don’t forget your scarves, gloves, and hats. You don’t want to have to pack up early on account of the cold. 
  • Lastly, get to going! Whether you’re driving, walking, or biking there, make sure that call all of your bff’s and make the trip together! The fellowship begins long before you ever actually start eating!


Make sure you don’t forget things like paper plates, napkins, plastic cups, silverware, and trashbags. While fall picnics are just as fun (if not more) as summer picnics, they do require a little more planning. Since the first day of winter begins on December 21st this year, you have exactly 21 days to have a true fall picnic! So, get out there and then tell me about it! What are you planning on bringing? Who are you inviting… the whole gang, or just you and that special someone? Where are ya’ll planning on going? Holla back at your girl, and enjoy making some memories 🙂

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Filed under cuisine, happiness, outdoors, Random acts of fun

#98 Get Married


Is this what we have to look forward to?

Is this what we have to look forward to?

It’s 2008, and it seems like marriage is on the decline. Take a look at Hollywood where the divorce rate is between 67 and 70 percent… there are too many people breaking up, and not enough people making up

Generally, I think the institution of marriage is failing in the midst of this divorce revolution. But, according to statistics, our national divorce rate per capita has gone down to its lowest rate since 1970. The most troubling statistic, though, is that the divorce rate broken down by age and gender is the highest for men ages 20 to 24 (38.8%). They are closely trailed by women ages 20 to 24 at 36.6%. This statistic pretty much encompasses everyone in my journalism course (excluding Seth, our prof). What does this mean for my generation?

More young people are choosing to cohabitate rather than tie the knot. Now in the generation my mom grew up in, the idea of living with someone of the opposite sex who you are not married to was seen as a little scandalous. To this day, my parents would probably balk at the idea of me living with a boyfriend. But, millennials actually view cohabitation as a legitimate alternative to marriage. Katie Anderson, a 20 year old female, said that “marriage is a smart decision economically, but who knows if I will ever tie the knot. After I get my degree, I won’t need a man to support me like my mom did since she didn’t go to college.” Also, the high rate of divorce is discouraging. Who wants to get married, fight all the time, and then lose half of your stuff after the whole thing is over?

Despite all of these statistics and popular sentiment, marriage seems to remain on the agendas of many 20-24 year old Americans (including one of the onefourfour writers, Laura)! I can remember day dreaming about the dress and the cake and even the groom when I was a little girl. Honestly speaking, I still day dream about these things. There’s something endearing about the thought that my prince charming is out there, and we have the opportunity to make a life together with a car and a dog and a white picket fence (Sadly, only heterosexuals have this right in most areas of the Nation). I want to get married. I want to have kids. I do not want to get divorced. But, we’ll see…

What about you? Where do you see yourself in 10-15 years?


Filed under happiness

#97 Lie, Cheat, and Steal

I know you’re thinking either one of two things: she’s either a bad influence on people, or she will tell me to “Lie to your the cook if the food is bad, cheat your brother out of doing the dishes, and steal someone’s heart.” Well, think again!

In honor of a holiday (Thanksgiving) where we give thanks for life, love, happiness, and health, I will do the dishonorable thing, and lie, cheat, and steal my way to happiness. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a thankful person. I thank God for being born at a time and place where women aren’t treated like objects or commodities, where I can get an education without serious debt to follow, and have the people in my life who care about me and who I would drop everything to help them in a time of need.

I’m thankful for all of that, but I also believe that the world is full of boring people who need to live a little bit more. This is something to get your pulse rate up, make you sweat a bit. Sometimes a little bad is good. So, here’s my bad advice, do with it what you like.

Lie about something small and insignificant, just to see if you can get away with it. Nothing that will bring serious harm or danger to someone, just something individual, unbelievable, or funny. Test your acting skills. Can you convince your roommate that you are allergic to sesame seeds and if you even so much as touch one, you might break into hives. Convince a new friend that your Russian grandpa worked for the KGB and was killed by the CIA during the Cold War. Be creative; I’m sure you can come up with something better than that!

Cheat (OK, this one’s a bit harder to do without feeling a sense of guilt, but it’s worth a try…) Cheat on a game of cards. You know most people don’t protect their cards very well in a game of “BS” or Bull you-know-what. Take a peek, win a hand, and smile a knowing smile. Sometimes honorable is boring, and life hands you an opportunity. Save the integrity for your taxes.

Steal from a thief. Ever know anyone to rob or burglarize? Give them a dose of their own medicine. Steal a taste from the bulk rate department. Come on, they know it happens! Use the appropriate tongs or scoops, of course–we don’t want to share germs now, do we?

Steal some extra shampoo from the maid’s cart at a hotel. Hey, if you use it, it’s not going to waste! Shower caps and sewing kits are good, too.

Wearing one may make you feel like an old lady, but stealing one keeps you young!

Wearing one may make you feel like an old lady, but stealing one keeps you young!

Steal toilet paper from the university. Get back at those “regents” (whatever the heck that means) for not paying their staff enough and hiking tuition rates anyway! I guarantee this one will get your heart pumping, make you laugh, and make you feel a sense of justice all at once!

Try it and let me know. (Oh, and since my parents ran a business and bought TP in bulk, I know each roll is worth about 20 cents, so you’re gonna have to steal a lot if you want to make an impact! Ha-ha.)

Anyone on my bandwagon today?


Filed under adventure, happiness, Random acts of fun

#96 Go on a Family Vacation

You cannot replace family.  Time spent with them is priceless.  Since I can remember, my family has vacationed somewhere.  Almost every year we go to Florida (usually Destin).  But, even on the years that we couldn’t make the trip, we have tried to get away somewhere, if even for a few days.

My brother, sister and I on vacation two summers ago.

My brother, sister and I on vacation two summers ago.

I always had a blast going to Florida as a kid.  Every year we drove, and while it may sound crazy, it was one of my favorite parts of the trip.  When you’re in the car for 13 plus hours, you learn to appreciate someone who can help pass the time.  Of course, once you arrive to your destination, it’s a total blast.  Some of the best memories I have are from family vacations—waking up early to run on the beach with my sister, my dad making us peach smoothies in our resort condo, helping my brother build a sandcastle, shopping with my mom, and scouring the beach for sand dollars and seashells at night with the whole family.  Those are memories that I will always cherish.

This past summer was the first summer in my lifetime that we have not gone on a family vacation together.  My sister was away on business and I had summer school and a TV station internship.  Neither one of us could get away, but I was so thankful that my parents decided to go ahead and take my little brother to Florida.  While I’m sure he would have loved to have his sisters along, I think it’s only fair to him that the tradition continues.

My parents’ decision to provide us with years of family vacations taught me one thing:  Family is important.  I will always be grateful that they taught me this lesson.  So, try to round everyone up and go vacation somewhere, anywhere.  As long as you are together, nothing else matters.  And, hopefully in the future my sister and I will never again miss a family vacation because to me, yeah, it’s that important.

My dad and I getting ready to go kayaking in Florida!

My dad and I going kayaking in Florida!

Happy vacationing,


Filed under happiness

#94 Go On A Road Trip!

Past the original feeling of excitement most teenagers feel at age 16 when we first get our license, most of us get so used to driving we forget how much fun it can be. In Austin, like many other cities, traffic can be so bad you wish you were on foot!

But fear not, my loyal readers, for I have the solution to this boredom. Two words: ROAD TRIP. Nothing is more freeing than hopping in a car (or truck) with a few of your friends and hitting the open road. There are a few necessary items before you begin such a trek: music, money (or food), gas in the tank (which is ridiculously cheap right now, it’s scary), and, uh, a car of course.


Me (left) with my friend, Erica, on our road trip from Sac town to Newport in 2006

The music is the most important. I suggest you find the friend that has the most extensive genres and wide ranging musical eras on her iPod. It is imperative that you play your songs loud and proud. Singing is NOT optional. If your voice isn’t slightly hoarse by the time you arrive at your destination, keep driving!

My favorite tunes on this particular journey included, but were not limited to: Sum 41, 311, Eve 6 (weird how many artists have numbers in the title), AC/DC, Elvis (no, not Costello), Nirvana, Metallica, MGMT, and Aretha Franklin…I mean, come on; no one can turn down a good session of Respect. Head banging, air guitar playing, and dashboard drumming is also a must.

Mix it up by having music quizzes. One person chooses a song and whoever shouts out the title and artist gets one point. Bonus points awarded for back-story band trivia…Did you know that MGMT got a record deal without even trying?!? A record exec got a hold of an early unreleased album and sought them out when they weren’t even working on music.

Another of my favorite road trip quizzes involves those songs that you think you know, but really you have no idea what they’re singing. You know what I’m talking about…when you get to a line in the song and all that comes out is: “Just zimma ditta doodle titty da!” Well, see who knows it best!

Who can finish this phrase? “R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Take _____ ____ _____ _____” Anyone? Anyone?

Here’s my boy, Chase, and I, singing our hearts out to the “Queen of Soul”.

Respect Sing-A-Long

Or who knows ANY of the lyrics to 311’s “Down”?!?

What are your favorite road trip activities? Smashing mailboxes with baseball bats? Dragging trash cans with wheels? Driving with your head out the window? Drinking games?? Just kidding!

I have a feeling many people were in the car for hours today heading home for Turkey Day, but how many of you had as much fun as me? And I wasn’t even going home!



Filed under adventure, entertainment, happiness, Random acts of fun, travel

#92 A Lesson in Gratitude

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”  ~William Arthur Ward

A gift of thanks is an effortless and intangible treasure that can benefit the giver as much as the receiver. Take some time over this holiday week/weekend to tell someone specifically how grateful you are for them and how they have touched your life.


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Image Posted By Rabbi Brant Rosen



Aside for people, I find myself being grateful for things. Things that I take for granted like my car, my education, my bed… haha.

What are you thankful for?  


Filed under awareness/philanthropy, happiness