Tag Archives: fresh fruit

#1: Eat fresh olives!

Photo by Darwin Bell

Photo by Darwin Bell

I love olives.

Black, green, red olives. Spanish, Italian, Greek olives. Olives in salads, pizzas and martinis.

What I have never, EVER tried though, is picking an olive from a tree and eating it.

I have eaten olives in many places, in many ways, with many friends, but the experience of eating an olive fresh off the olive tree is one of the things that would make my life complete.

There’s other fruits I’d love to eat fresh from their tree one day too, like apples, guavas, coconuts and pineapples. I’ve eaten mangos, limes and peaches from my backyard. and the experience changed me. I felt a connection with the Earth, by the act of picking the fruit and eating it with my bare hands, and it felt much more nutritious.

Viva la Pacha Mamma!


Filed under adventure, budget, Random acts of fun