Tag Archives: Lake Austin

#104 Watch a Sunrise/Sunset

View of the sunset at a friend's ranch near Gatesville

View of the sunset at a friend's ranch near Gatesville

You all know the sayings, “stop and smell the roses” and “enjoy the simple things in life.” Well, even though our blog has had many suggestions of adventurous and extreme activities, some of the most enjoyable and essential things in life are the simple things. When was the last time you just sat and watched the sunrise or sunset? If it’s been awhile, take advantage of the autumnal skies to soak in a beautiful sunrise (if you’re an early riser) or sunset.

Best places in and around Austin to watch the sunrise/sunset:

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Filed under happiness, outdoors

#21 Go Tubing

tu-bing [too-been] v.  the act of holding onto an oversized inner-tube while getting pulled behind a ski boat; appendages flailing; water splashing into your eyes, nose and mouth; laughing hysterically because of how awkward and childish you look; holding onto the ski rope for dear life while the boat driver takes you back and forth over the wake


My sister and her friend tubing on Lake Austin 

My sister and her friend tubing on Lake Austin

Hanging on for dear life...

I have suffered from many bruises, sore arms and fingers, humiliation and water up my nose pains from tubing adventures during many summer days.  It’s the kind of activity that you think of only children or teens doing, but you’re missing out if you feel too cool to tube.  Yes, you may prefer to sit and relax in the boat and on the lake – avoid any headaches from bumping your head against your tubing partner when you crash over a wave or potentially losing bath suit pieces because of falling off  – but where is the fun in that? The next time you have the opportunity to go on the lake with a big tube, revert to your inner-child that says it’s okay to do such a rambunctious activity!  If nothing else, you (and the people watching you) will get a big laugh at your expense…

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