#3: Serve your country – Adopt a military dog!

As I was watching ABC News the other night, they did a feature on something I found REALLY inspiring and awesome! Everyone’s heard of the dogs the military trains to sniff out bombs and get enemies during war, but that’s about all you’ve heard about them. Well, now you can do your part to ‘serve’ your country in some way by taking a retiring military member into your home… a canine one!

German Shepard MWD from Military Working Dog Adoptions

German Shepard MWD from Military Working Dog Adoptions

The number one question is… well, aren’t they dangerous? They’re trained to be, right? Nope. When a dog is selected for retirement, the handlers first see if anyone close to the dog (another servicemember) wants to adopt it, then they offer the dog to K-9 police units around the country, and then the dog goes through a compatibility test to see if they can be placed in civilian homes. The ones you can adopt are listed on the Lackland Air Force Page, and they have been found to be great companions!

How do you adopt a WMD? Check out MilitaryWorkingDogAdoptions.com for a great step by step review of the process. Check out the aforementioned Lackland AFB home page to look at some of the pups available now!


Filed under awareness/philanthropy

3 responses to “#3: Serve your country – Adopt a military dog!

  1. Mollie B.

    Ok…you’ve convinced me. I want one.

  2. Raquel

    Awww… I feel so emotional for the dogs! You reminded me of a girl I met in a class once, that went from class to class with her dog because she was training it to be a guide dog for the blind. It’s a program they have in San Antonio in which you adopt a pup and watch it grow, while training it, and after about a year the adopter gives it back to the organization and the dog is given to a blind person. Isn’t that awesome?

    I’m more of a cat person, but dogs are definitely more useful in society.

  3. Kristin

    Haha. I just noticed you put WMD in the end, instead of MWD. Perhaps these dogs are weapons of mass destruction, though…hmm.

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