#15 Be a Different Person For a Day

Since we’re two feet tall, we’re all incessantly hearing that we need to “Be Yourself” “Be Individual” blah blah blah…what fun is that?!?

I’ve recently had the unique pleasure of becoming someone else. For one entire day, on gameday no less, I took on the identity of a completely fictional character. Inspired by the laughter of my friends in response to one of my favorite accents: Russian, I became…wait for it…Svetlana Titov–a Russian immigrant from Moscow.

It started as an occaisional voice used for a few laughs among friends, but it was such a hit, that I had to bust it out in public. Encouraged by my roommate, who didn’t think I could do it for a whole day, I took on the challenge.

At first I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to pull it off. I mean, keeping an accent up for more than five minutes can be difficult at times. Fortunately for me, this whole Russian deal came easily to me. After a while I started having Russian thoughts even! No, I’m not talking “Soviet Power” “Communism is King” or “Lenin was a genius!” I just mean I would hear my own thoughts in a Russian accent in my head. It caught me off guard the first time, but after that it just became a part of the immersion into the life of Svetlana.

Turns out Svetlana was quite a hit. Of course I received mixed reactions ranging from disbelief and confusion to frustration and laughter. Ultimately, I did it for the laughter. Nothing pleases me much more than making people laugh. I did chortle quite a few people. It’s interesting: some phrases that you wouldn’t think twice about in an American accent are suddenly unbelievably hillarious when you throw the Russian into it.

For example, words ending in “ly” seem to have the best effect…immediately, exactly, etc. So, I tried to use them as much as possible.

On top of that, it became more than just speaking in an accent, but phrasing my sentences improperly so as to sound like a non-native speaker. i.e. “I am love this tasty hamburger!” or “These boots are my feet killing!” …basically, form your sentences like Yoda.

Throughout the day I met plenty of people I’d never known before…at the tailgate, game, and halloween party later…where, of course, I was dressed as a “White Russian” complete with white fishnet stockings, high-heeled white boots, a bottle of vodka (filled with water), and a faux fur hat. It was hands down my best costume ever…don’t worry I haven’t set the bar very high.

The experience is one I won’t forget and will probably never shake among my college friends. After this day, Svetlana is deep within my soul. She comes out occaisionally, sometimes without my even realizing it!

So, I urge you: find your own Svetlana…perhaps Heidi? or Margarita? or maybe Lakshmi from India! And PLEASE, let me know about your own experience. Maybe I’m not the only one…


Filed under adventure, entertainment, Random acts of fun

6 responses to “#15 Be a Different Person For a Day

  1. pieper12

    Haha this is hilarious and super clever! I just love that you went to a tailgate like this and still maintained the White Russian identity! By the way, Stoli White Russians are soo good…this is inspiring, Kristin!

  2. jeannie

    Wow! What a unique skill. What’s your other favorite accent? How hard is it to keep a straight face while you’re messing with people and making them laugh?

  3. Briana C

    girl, do you even remember seeing me on game day?! you were a mess svetlana! haha. But, your accent was great and you did look like you were having a blast 🙂 and PS: you aren’t fooling anyone with that whole water in a bottle of vodka thing! haha!I think tomorrow i may be… Adaeze, an African princess in America. (it’s an Igbo name meaning King’s daughter; princess) cool idea girl!

  4. Mollie B.

    Haha that is so awesome that you went the whole day with a Russian accent! One time when I went home for the weekend I started talking in a Jamaican accent and I drove my parents absolutley NUTS with it! But I did get plenty of laughs out of it….even if they were my own 🙂

  5. Pingback: #62: Write A Fan Letter…to Dane Cook « 144 Things to Do…According to the Millennials

  6. Kristin

    My other faves include: Irish, New Yorker, Southern, and British…which I am never quite satisfied with. I’m also working on the subtleties between South African, British and Australian.

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