#72 Be a Secret Santa

I know it’s a little early for the holiday season, but heck! 95.5 is definitely already playing the classics and all the major stores have already released their holiday commercials! I don’t know about you all, but I’ve already broken out all of my winter clothes and am just anxiously awaiting the “cold!” And by cold in Texas, I mean the 50s and low 60s.  I also bought a glade plug  in with the apple cinnamon scent, and all of my roommates’ stockings are hanging on our entertainment center!

My cute festive mom making pumpkin bread for one of the nights!

My cute festive mom making pumpkin bread for one of the nights!

Anyways, this is something that was done to my mom a few years back and she has made a tradition every year since. Basically, you choose a recipient to place anonymous gifts on their doorstep every night before Christmas. Mom likes to do it the 12 days before Christmas, so she can sing the song EVERY night, semi- torturing my sister and me. Then, she will make up a riddle that has 12 parts to coincide with each gift. She will cut each part so she can attach them to the gift of the night.

The gifts don’t have to be anything lavish at all! They can be funny holiday socks, or 7 snickers for the seventh night, 8 candy canes, cookies, homemade ornaments etc. It’s a rush when you have to go to the house at night and place something on the door, and basically do a ring-and-run. Mom gets a kick out of this! It’s just really fun when you are expecting something and knowing that someone is thinking of you every day, it really gets those holiday spirits going!

And if you don’t take part in the whole Christmas thing, that’s okay! It can be for Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or  just a nice gesture around the time, or any other time for that manner.

So, go ahead and start thinking of your “victim” and just be as anonymous as possible! This is just a fun way to celebrate the giving part of the season! I’ve added a video from youtube that my roommates showed me the other night and it really got me excited, especially since it’s from Robert Earl Keen! Hope you enjoy!

Happy Holidays y’all!


Filed under budget, happiness, holiday, Random acts of fun

5 responses to “#72 Be a Secret Santa

  1. Caroline Page

    I love that you included the tidbit that 95.5 has started playing 24 hours of holiday music because I’m a Christmas music fanatic and noticed they started a bit earlier this year – usually they begin doing that on Thanksgiving. Nothing puts me in a better mood than Christmas tunes! I have also noticed an influx in holiday commercials the past week or so, which drives me crazy because by the end of the holidays I (along with everyone else I think) want to pull my hair out from holiday ads!

  2. I definitely get sad that the commercial industry tries so hard every year to push this season earlier and earlier forward. HOWEVER, your post is SO great because this is something we can start planning right now! And I TOTALLY am doing this. It’s a brilliant, brilliant plan. It just sounds like so much fun, who could resist?? I’m going to try it out on my not-very-festive best friend Eric. I’ll let you know how it goes:-P

  3. pieper12

    I agree with both of y’all about the intense amount of Christmas commercials! I saw one yesterday that did make me laugh (as opposed to being depressed at the lack of money I have). It was some kid who was saying all kinds of things that he wanted and nothing made sense. For example, he said he wants a robot that makes cotton candy!

    And Caitlin, please let me know how it goes and if you do something really creative, let me know!

  4. Mollie B.

    This is an awesome idea! It would be awesome to get a little something 12 days before Christmas. I also like that your mom is wearing shorts and short sleeves…lol gotta love Texas winters!

  5. Amy

    I LOVE this idea too! Now I’m just trying to think of my “victim” …

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