Tag Archives: cities

#88 Viva Las Vegas

We’ve all heard stories about Las Vegas since we were young. We all hear the tourism ads that say, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” as well as seen countless movies set there (among my faves: 21, What Happens In Vegas, Ocean’s 11-13, Vegas Vacation). We must all have distorted images of this city of lights, this adult’s playground, but what about the truth? Well, in a way there is no true Vegas. It is whatever you make of it.

I’ve been to Las Vegas twice now, and it’s left quite an impression on me. Both of my trips were not exactly “proto-typical” Vegas whirlwinds, but I did get to see most of the requisite material. Everyone, especially millennial-agers simply must see this city for themselves. It is unlike any other (don’t let anyone tell you Atlantic City compares).

Through the years, the city has changed quite a bit, so I’ve heard. Just watch the difference between the original “Rat Pack” version of Ocean’s 11 and the George Clooney/Brad Pitt film. Gone are the days of gangster-run casinos. All of the major hotels are owned by Hilton-esque hotel giants. Now it’s all about bigger, badder hotels that make the Embassy Suites and the local Best Western look like shacks in comparison.


The moment you get off the airplane you are assaulted by slot machines. Walking through baggage claim are big loud TV screens advertising the shows and hotels. We even ran into some real live “Showgirls” covered in brightly colored feathers. Buicks line the streets in droves and you can find a wedding chapel on every corner.


The Bellagio is one of the most famous new hotels. It is definitely one of the most posh (and expensive). There is an art gallery that is really more of a museum (currently showcasing Georgia O’Keefe, Stuart Davis, and others). The Bellagio also has a botanical garden and their famous fountains, which exhibit a water show every ten minutes for all to see.

The water blasts are timed to the music

The water blasts are timed to the music

Even the people on the street are one of a kind. Where else can you don a sparkly white suit and a snarl and become Elvis…”I work for tips. Thank you, thank you very much.”


The shows are another thing altogether. I got to see the Cirque du Soleil called Mystere. It was mind blowing. Between giant trampolines, instantaneous costume changing, and men leaping down from 40 foot ledges, was the most extraordinary duo. These two men, wearing hardly anything, did crazy acrobatic tricks using a rope and each other. At one point one man was laying face down with his knees at a 90 degree. The other acrobat was standing ontop of man #1’s feet while he lowered AND RAISED him up from the ground. This may not sound as amazing as all of the big tricks, but just the sheer amount of strength that must have taken was so memorable for me.

The gambling was less fun for me, but I don’t have much of a thing for losing money. I’m too pained by the idea of wasting money to really enjoy the tables. On one positive note, though, you do get free drinks while you are playing. Check out the “penny slots” for the lowest-priced action. You actually end up using like 18 cents a spin when you bet on all the lines. On my first attempt I sat down at some “Lobster” video slot machine. I put in five bucks and somehow was up to 20 in like five minutes! Of course, ten minutes later I had nada. Learned my lesson for life, and learned that I am not prone to gambling addiction! Hah!thunderdu

I still have yet to see many of the most famous marqee acts: Bette Midler, Blue Man Group, Criss Angel, Chippendales (or Thunder Down Under), Elton John, and many more. What have you seen? Fill me in on your Vegas adventures!


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