Tag Archives: golf

#84 Hit a drive off the top of a mountain!

When I would go on golf road trips with my dad we would always look for fun places to hit golf balls. My dad always liked to carry around old throw away golf balls in a sac that came in handy in these cases.

When I went to the beaches of Northern California with high cliffs, we hit into the ocean. When my dad came down to Austin he hit balls across the lake at 2222 and 360. We even have one special river along I-70 in Colorado that you can just barely clear on a “pured” golf shot.

It’s become sort of a pastime for us. We’re always looking for fun places to hit balls. By far, the most fun location we’ve ever attempted was on the top of Independence Pass.The top of the pass is also the marker of the continental divide: where water flows in opposite directions. East of the divide everything flows into the Gulf of Mexico, west goes to the Pacific Ocean.

We were on the way from Aspen to Austin for the first time my freshman year, and we decided to find a spot to crack some drives. We ended up finding a little bench just the right size to tee up a ball. It was a bit tricky at first to get comfortable, but once I was it was just like hitting off of a tee box.

So, you may (or may not) be close to Independence Pass, but I’m sure you can find something to ______ (fill in the blank) on a mountain. Maybe Mt. Bonnell, perhaps? What fun things have you done on top of a mountain?

Me about to rip a drive down the mountain

Me about to rip a drive down the mountain



Filed under outdoors, sports, travel