Tag Archives: PAL’s

#66 Volunteer, DUH!

Growing up as with parents from the baby boom generation, the virtues of volunteerism and philanthropy were instilled in me from an early age. We’ve always volunteered with our church, and my grandmother is a volunteer for Meals on Wheels and More. In high school, I was involved in an organization entitled YIP (youth in philanthropy) as apart of the Peer Assistance and Leadership program. Most of the volunteer work I have done has involved children, but as I get older, I have learned the value in volunteering and spending time with the elderly. My organization, Texas POM, has taken a page out of my grandmother’s book and picked up a route for Meals on Wheels in east Austin. Check out what Aubrey, my team member, and I have to say about volunteerism: 

So, I have a small obsession with quotes. Here goes another one: There are two ways of spreading light – to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.  -Edith Wharton,Vesalius in Zante

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Filed under awareness/philanthropy, happiness