Tag Archives: tofurkey

#75 Try Tofurkey

For picky eaters, the approaching holiday season can be an exciting, yet terrifying time. If you aren’t a big fan of meat, nuts, or vegetables (like myself) then you may be… um… screwed. Is it just me, or have any of you left the Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner table, and then proceeded to the nearest fast food restaurant to grab some french fries and a coke?

My mom and dad just tell me that I “don’t know how to appreciate fine dining.” Whatever. I usually try to make a meal out of some of the sides like macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes and marshmallow casserole (hold the nuts please), and homemade rolls.

When I was in high school, my parents introduced me to tofurkey in an attempt to end my fast food trips after holiday dinners. In essence, it’s a loaf of tofu (soybean protein) with stuffed with bread or grains flavored to taste like real stuffing and turkey. I think it’s pretty good… it tastes better than a real turkey in my opinion. You may even like it if you aren’t a huge tofu fan.

So, chances are if you are a picky eater, you aren’t in to trying new things. BUT… really people, anything’s got to be better than McDonalds! Also, there are tons of health benefits to eating tofu. Click here to find out where to buy a tofurkey near you, or here to make your very own deep fried tofurkey (my personal favorite)! Whether you end up liking it or not, I promise you that substituting that same old, boring holiday bird for a trendy tofurkey will make for some lasting holiday memories! Enjoy!



PS: If you have nothing else to do, check out this great educational video on tofurkey!! 


Filed under adventure, cuisine, happiness